In this little tutorial, I will show you how to install multiple versions (or just different configurations) of PHP and run them on a single web server. I will use PHP 5.2.10 and 5.3.0 here, but you can use any version. I will use Nginx (pronounced Engine X) as the web server, but any sever that supports FastCGI should be sufficient.
First of all we'll just make a directory. I like having the whole web server stack in a single directory, I'll use /webstack here. Do the following as root.
mkdir /webstack
chown angel333:users /webstack
Note: 'angel333' is my username - change it accordingly.
From here, you shouldn't need to do anything as root - actually you should do the rest of this tutorial as a non-root user - it's much safer.
Because FastCGI will be used to connect Nginx to these PHPs, we'll have to patch the sources with PHP-FPM. First, download the sources and unpack them, then download appropriate patches and patch the sources with them.
cd /webstack
mkdir src
cd src
tar xjf php-5.2.10.tar.bz2
tar xjf php-5.3.0.tar.bz2
gzip -cd php-5.2.10-fpm-0.5.13.diff.gz | patch -d php-5.2.10 -p1
gzip -cd php-5.3.0-fpm-0.5.12.diff.gz | patch -d php-5.3.0 -p1
cd /webstack/src/php-5.2.10
The following command will show you the options, so you can decide which features you want to enable and which not.
./configure --help | less
The only important options are --prefix, --enable-fpm, --enable-fastcgi and also --without-pear, because you probably won't be able to use Pear. I prefer the following configuration, but I recommend you to customize it to fit your needs:
./configure --prefix=/webstack/php-5.2.10 --enable-mbstring --enable-fpm --enable-fastcgi --without-pear \
--without-sqlite --without-pdo-sqlite --with-mysql=shared --with-mysqli=shared --with-pdo-mysql=shared \
--with-gd=shared --with-mhash
Now let's compile it and install it..
make && make install
Compiling PHP 5.3.0 is almost the same as the previous one - only 'configure' is slightly different - there is no --enable-fastcgi (only --enable-fpm).
cd /webstack/src/php-5.3.0<br/><br/>
./configure --prefix=/webstack/php-5.3.0 --enable-mbstring --enable-fpm --without-pear \
--without-sqlite --without-sqlite3 --without-pdo-sqlite --with-mysql=shared --with-mysqli=shared \
--with-pdo-mysql=shared --with-gd=shared --with-mhash
make && make install
Now you can make some useful links - you don't have to, but life is sometimes easier with them. I prefer these:
cd /webstack
mkdir bin
ln -s /webstack/php-5.2.10/lib/php.ini etc/php-5.2.10.ini
ln -s /webstack/php-5.2.10/sbin/php-fpm sbin/php-fpm-5.2.10
ln -s /webstack/php-5.2.10/etc/php-fpm.conf etc/php-fpm-5.2.10.conf
ln -s /webstack/php-5.2.10/bin/php bin/php-5.2.10
ln -s /webstack/php-5.2.10/bin/phpize bin/phpize-5.2.10
ln -s /webstack/php-5.2.10/bin/php-cgi bin/php-cgi-5.2.10
ln -s /webstack/php-5.2.10/bin/php-config bin/php-config-5.2.10
ln -s /webstack/php-5.3.0/lib/php.ini etc/php-5.3.0.ini
ln -s /webstack/php-5.3.0/sbin/php-fpm sbin/php-fpm-5.3.0
ln -s /webstack/php-5.3.0/etc/php-fpm.conf etc/php-fpm-5.3.0.conf
ln -s /webstack/php-5.3.0/bin/php bin/php-5.3.0
ln -s /webstack/php-5.3.0/bin/phpize bin/phpize-5.3.0
ln -s /webstack/php-5.3.0/bin/php-cgi bin/php-cgi-5.3.0
ln -s /webstack/php-5.3.0/bin/php-config bin/php-config-5.3.0
The initial PHP ini file can be the same for both versions.
vim /webstack/etc/php-5.2.10.ini
Note: You can use any editor if you are not familiar with vim. You can use e.g. nano, joe or mcedit - they will do exactly the same work as vim.
Write there something like the following and save it. Then write the same into /etc/php-5.3.0.ini.
At least you'll have to change the port the FastCGI will be listening on. I'll leave the default port at 5.2.10's PHP-FPM and will change it at 5.3.0's.
vim etc/php-fpm-5.3.0.conf
Find the option "listen_address" and change the port to.. Let's say 9001.. Than save and close the file. Now you can finally start both proxies:
/webstack/sbin/php-fpm-5.2.10 start
/webstack/sbin/php-fpm-5.3.0 start
Note: If you don't want to compile Nginx, you don't have to. You can just install it from your packaging system (apt, pacman, yum, ...) and skip this part. But compiling from sources is easy and so fun :o).
cd /webstack/src<br/>
tar xzf nginx-0.8.10.tar.gz
cd nginx-0.8.10
./configure \
--prefix=/webstack \
--conf-path=/webstack/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
--http-client-body-temp-path=/webstack/tmp/nginx_client_body_temp \
--http-proxy-temp-path=/webstack/tmp/nginx_proxy_temp \
--http-fastcgi-temp-path=/webstack/tmp/nginx_fastcgi_temp \
--without-mail_pop3_module \
--without-mail_imap_module \
make && make install
mkdir /webstack/tmp
You can also delete everything that's not needed:
cd /webstack
rm html/* etc/nginx/koi-* etc/nginx/win-utf etc/nginx/*.default
vim /webstack/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
The following configuration file will cause .php files to be processed using PHP 5.2.10 and .php2 files using PHP 5.3.0. But this is just an example - you can actually have e.g. different PHPs for different locations (see Nginx documentation). I've also changed the port to 8080, so a non-root user can run the server.
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
sendfile on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
#gzip on;
server {
listen 8080;
server_name localhost;
root html;
location / {
index index.php index.php2;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME "${document_root}${fastcgi_script_name}";
include fastcgi_params;
location ~ \.php2$ {
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME "${document_root}${fastcgi_script_name}";
include fastcgi_params;
Now just run the webserver..
Make some files with phpinfo() to verify if everything works..
echo '<?phpinfo();' > /webstack/html/phpinfo.php
echo '<?phpinfo();' > /webstack/html/phpinfo.php2
Now you should see a PHP 5.2.10 phpinfo() at http://localhost:8080/phpinfo.php while at http://localhost:8080/phpinfo.php2 should be phpinfo() of PHP 5.3.0.
This way you can run as many versions and/or configurations of PHP as you want, very easily. I hope you enjoyed the tutorial - if you have any questions, ideas, or anything else, feel free to leave a comment.